I recently produced a series of charity case study videos with past and former residents at The Gingerbread Centre in Stoke-on-Trent – and it’s a great example of why video testimonials are great for fundraising

The Gingerbread Centre has a couple of properties across Stoke, including a block of flats in Longton. They provide housing and support to families at risk of homelessness, and help them out for as long as they need.

They were looking for some new content to show to potential donors during presentations and fundraising events. After a pre-production chat with the charity, we decided that case study videos with former and current residents would be a great way forward. 

Here are some of the reasons why we made that decision – and I’m sharing them as I think they’re relevant for a lot of charities.


Video case studies show the impact of the charity

When I interview people for a charity case study video, I normally structure the conversation in three parts:

  1. What the persons life was like before the charity helped them
  2. What support the charity offered
  3. Where their life is now / the difference the charity has made

I structure the videos like this to really get across the impact of the charity. In three minutes, you go on an emotional rollercoaster with the interviewee, and clearly see the before and after effect of the charity’s support.

For example, with Natalie’s case study interview, she talked about how she used to be a single teenage mum, sofa surfing with her young daughter in very unsafe circumstances. She then talks about the stability and support she got while living at the Gingerbread Centre – and how she now is the CEO of a successful Stoke-on-Trent charity. From homeless teenage mum to CEO – that’s a fair impact to show off in a case study video!


Human connection in a video testimonial evokes empathy from donors

Words on a screen can be extremely powerful – but for me when you’re trying to make a connection with someone, there’s nothing like being able to look directly into their eyes, and hear the emotion in their voice.

That’s why video case studies work brilliantly for charities. You can really make your supporters feel empathy for the people you help.

Take the ‘issue’ of homelessness for example, which is what the Gingerbread Centre help with. Some people wouldn’t donate to a homelessness charity, because they think that people bring it on themselves through poor life choices, or they make a decision to be homeless.

But by hearing directly from someone affected, you can’t help but put yourself in their shoes.

With Arti’s interview, you can really feel the pain of her turning up to her children’s school and telling a teacher she’s in an abusive relationship – that: “no, he doesn’t hit me, because he doesn’t need to.” After hearing that, it just cuts through any preconceptions you have, and makes you want to help.


A charity case study means supporters can see where their money is going

One of the things you have to fight against when fundraising for a charity is the question of ‘but is my donation actually going to the people who need it’.

You don’t actually have to address that question during a case study video – because people can see and hear from the people who are being helped.

If you’re already a donate to the Gingerbread Centre, and you see how Natalie is now a CEO, and Arti is studying for a degree at university, you can see the impact that your donation had on their lives. It’s tangible.


Get supporters on your side quickly

If you’ve got more than one video case study filmed, you’ve got the option of creating a compilation video.

This picks out the best quotes and most powerful moments from each interviewee, and summarises what support you offer people.

It also makes your charity look ‘bigger’ – as you’re showing a wide range of people that you help.

It’s a great video to have on your website homepage, as browsers can quickly get a sense of the impact of your charity. And by including more people in this video, you’re more likely to show them someone they relate to and particularly connect with.

It’s also much easier to get a new website visitor to watch one compilation case study video, compared to a number of separate case study videos.


Are you involved in the marketing department of a charity, and you’ve been trying to think of ways to get across to supporters the impact that your charity has? Book in a free 30 minute consultation with me, and we can talk through how case studies and other fundraising videos would help you to achieve that.