About VideoHQ

Professional videographer services with a personal touch

VideoHQ is a videographer service and studio creating high-quality, audience-focused video content for businesses, charities, and other organisations.

Based in Staffordshire, VideoHQ offers a range of filming and post-production services across the UK. Led by our Creative Director, Hannah Quinn we use our technical expertise and creative approach to produce video content designed to capture and keep the attention of the audience.

We film on location across the Midlands and beyond using the very best professional equipment. When not out on location behind the camera, you’ll find us tucked away in the VideoHQ Studio hard at work on post-production.

Charlotte Foster

Why press play on Video HQ?

Boost your online presence your way

Alongside our diverse portfolio of video services, we have video packages that are ideal for those who want some flexibility when it comes to boosting their online presence.

No-pressure filming environment

Not everyone’s comfortable with a camera in their face. We take the time to prep all interviewees and create a friendly, judgement-free filming experience for everyone.

Video that connects with your audience

VideoHQ has journalistic roots, so everything is done with the target audience in mind. Your video won’t just look great, it will engage with your audience in whatever way you need to.  

Book to receive complimentary video marketing review

Book a consultation call to explore your video needs. Includes a review of one of your existing videos and a one-month video marketing plan – absolutely free!

Hannah Quinn owner and videographer at VideoHQ

Who’s behind the camera?

Meet the Creative Director of VideoHQ, Hannah Quinn

Filmmaking is about telling a good story, and that’s exactly what businesses, charities, and other organisations need when it comes to talking about who they are.

Over the years I’ve worked on some incredible projects, from a documentary on Reading Women’s FC to the Shrewsbury LGBT History Festival. And every time I step behind the camera for a new client, it becomes about shrinking the space between the audience and the subject matter.

We want your potential clients and service-users to see your video and think: “Oh! I totally get it now. They really understand what I need/want/enjoy. You know, I should call them…”

I absolutely love ensuring the lens is focused directly on the audience so that the content we’re producing really appeals to your target market. We’re not about making videos that look great but have no substance; our clients get both.

Find out how VideoHQ can help you to tell your story and connect with your target market. Book a free 30-minute consultation where I’ll develop a bespoke content micro-plan and review any of your existing video content.