How a Staffordshire based roofing company establishes trust using a video 

Newcastle under Lyme roofing company Rydale Roofing have been in business for over 25 years – and over that time have gained a name for being a reputable business at the heart of the community.

They’ve sponsored local youth football teams for many a season, and have a big part to play in a number of local charities such as Alice Charity. 

And yet despite decades of incredible work, due to the poor general reputation of the roofing industry, they found new potential customers were still wary they might be about to get ripped off.

That’s why Director Julie Mirowski decided to get a roofing promotional video produced showcasing the quality of their work, and how friendly their staff are.

So I donned a hard hat and a high vis jacket, and headed up the scaffolding to film the lads in action.


How a promotional video helps people to trust what you’re saying

Julie had asked that particular attention be paid to how neat and tidy their staff leave the place, since this sets them apart from other businesses.

Capturing this footage meant that when pulling together the roofing promotional video, this could be a mini theme within the content. 

Julie mentioned this in the interview; you could then see for yourself footage of the lads sweeping away debris; and it was followed up by a reviewe from a customer saying how impressed they were with the guys tidying everything away at the end.

This means the potential clients don’t just hear about the cleanliness from you – it becomes more trustworthy when they can directly see it happening, and have it verified from other sources that it actually takes place.


Set yourself apart with video

Content aside, the mere fact of having a professional promotional video produced increases your businesses reputation and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential clients.

After all, why would you bother spending the time and money to get a video produced, if you’re planning just to rip people off?

Plus, most businesses in the roofing and construction industries don’t have professional videos on their websites and social media, so this is a real opportunity to set yourself apart from your competitors.


What does a promotional video look like?

Promotional videos get people on board with your company. They’re a 2-3 minute burst of how you’re amazing, why people trust you, why you do what you do, and how your business can help the person watching your video.

They feature interviews with staff members, shots of you guys in action, and case studies from your happy customers.

In short, promotional videos are lead converting machines.

If a potential customer was interested enough in your offer to watch your video, then they’re at the very least ready to get in touch with you at the end of it – if not already hitting ‘checkout’.


Interested in hearing how a promotional video could help to win you new business? Get in touch for a free 30 minute consultation.

Check out the video we made for Rydale Roofing here: