My first sport documentary

It’s now been exactly five years since I made the decision to create a video production company, while shooting a sport documentary.

Picture the scene: it’s a spring evening; the sun is setting; and golden sun is streaming through the metal fence onto the astroturf.

This was March 2017, and I was filming my university final project. This was a video about one of the players at Reading Women FC, who while I was filming got called up to the England squad.

As the golden light warmed my face and flared across the lens I had a bit of a ‘could I do this as my job?’ moment.

And here I am, five years later pretty much to the day, it’s actually my job. I still have to pinch myself sometimes!

There’s been hard moments of course – it was pretty tough not being able to film for around six months at the start of the pandemic, for example. But overall I feel very lucky to be able to run this company an help to tell the stories of my amazing clients.


My second sport documentary

One of those clients was 1874 Northwich FC. They were formed in 2012, and wanted a video producing to celebrate their move to the Northwich area and community for the first time in their history. I worked with them to produce a sport documentary telling that story.

I filmed a training session and a match day – the latter again being in the gorgeous summer sun. I really have been lucky with the weather for these shoots!

And after grabbing multiple interviews at these sessions, with people ranging from club committee members to supporters, I crafted a narrative which told their story.

The club are really active on Twitter and Facebook, so I produced two versions of the same video. One full length version for Facebook, and one capped at 2’20” to tie in with Twitter’s content limits.


Interested in a sport documentary to promote your club? Find out more about the service VideoHQ offers. Alternatively, get in touch for a free 30 minute consultation to discuss how video can help you to connect with potential sponsors and engage your fans online.

Watch the video I produced for 1874 Northwich:



Watch my final university project (with a pinch of salt – I’ve definitely improved the quality of my work since I was a student!!):