Project Description

The Alice Charity knocked the socks off attendees at their glamorous fundraising ball by capturing the essence of what they do on video

The Alice Charity works with vulnerable families in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme, to help them to get back on their feet.

This support comes from a variety of projects – like their food bank The People’s Party, or their Big Cup toddler groups.

With a black tie fundraising event at Keele Hall on the horizon, they contacted VideoHQ to produce a series of fundraising videos showcasing their various projects, which could be played at the ball and encourage attendees to go big on the silent auction bid!


What was the filming process like

I spent a day travelling around the city, and filming the various projects in action. 

First came a trip to the Big Cup group in Longton, where I interviewed the project leader, and filmed loads of footage of the toddlers playing to illustrate what Danielle was saying.

Mum and toddler playing at Alice Charity big cup group

I arranged with staff to hand out filming consent forms to the parents and carers, with the toddlers obviously being too young to agree to filming!

After that, I headed over to Newcastle-under-Lyme to the People’s Pantry. Here I again interviewed the project leader, and filmed staff packing up the food parcels and loading them into the van.

Image taken from VideoHQ's promo video for the Alice Charity's People's Pantry

Finally I headed over to the Alice offices on Merriall Street, to get a few extra interviews with staff about some of the other projects.

You can rest assured I was pretty knackered after all that!


What was the editing process like

We’d arranged beforehand that I’d produce around ten minutes of video content for the ball, made up of four individual videos.

These videos were:

  • Update on what’s happening with the Alice Charity
  • Big Cup fundraising video
  • People’s Pantry fundraising video 
  • Video about the family support offered

By producing them as individual videos, they were able to be used on the charity’s social media pages as well, so that people who didn’t attend the ball could see them too.

For the ball video, I produced what’s called a ‘master’ video file – so they didn’t have to keep fiddling with computers to play the next video, I created one video file where they played automatically one after the other.

I also subtitled this master video, because there are three things that are certain in this life. Death, taxes, and that speakers in a big hall will be terrible. It’s a waste of time making a video if no-one can tell what is being said!

These videos played out after the meal, but before the big fundraising points like the silent auction and the raffle. The charity really wanted to show the impact they have at this moment, to encourage people to dig deep and support them.


Got a big fundraising event coming up, and you’d like some fundraising videos to play at it? Get in touch for a free 30 minute consultation and we can chat through the options.